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    October 16, 2023   WFP China COE
    Ghanaian Delegation Explores China's Grain Storage and Trade Solutions

    Country Project; Ghana; South-South Cooperation; China-Africa Cooperation; Grain Storage; Grain Trade; WFP-MARA SSTC Pilot Initiative

    From September 18 to 22, as a component of the WFP's South-South and Triangular Cooperation's Ghana pilot project, a Ghanaian grain inspection delegation journeyed to China. Their aim was to immerse themselves in and glean insights from China's expertise and innovative practices in grain storage and trading.

    Comprising members from Ghana's Ministry of Food and Agriculture, the Ghana National Food Reserve Company, the Ghana Commodity Exchange, and WFP's Ghana Country Office, the delegation first set foot in Beijing. There, they met with the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration of China (NAFRA) and the National Grain Trade Center. Discussions centred on grain trading, storage, and loss reduction. They also had the chance to observe real-time grain trading on the national platform. Following their time in Beijing, the delegation proceeded to Henan Province. There, they visited the Henan Grain and Material Reserve Bureau, the Henan Grain Trade and Logistics Market Co., Ltd, the Henan Xingyang Xintian Land Planting Cooperative, the Henan Zhengzhou Xinglong National Grain and Material Reserve Depot, and the COFCO (Zhengzhou) Grain and Oil Industries Co., Ltd.

    The Ghanaian delegation during their visit to NAFRA.

    During the visit to NAFRA, Esther Agyekum, Deputy Director of Crops Services at Ghana's Ministry of Food and Agriculture, commented that the WFP, via South-South Cooperation, is furnishing Ghana's grain industry with technical support. Post-pandemic, grain has emerged as a crucial player in Ghana's economic resurgence. As such, China's invaluable grain expertise warrants broader adoption in Ghana and across the African continent.

    The Ghanaian delegation at NAFRA

    Responding, Cao Yingjun, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation at NAFRA, expressed a commitment to furthering collaboration with the WFP in the realm of post-harvest grain loss mitigation, under the South-South Cooperation framework. Augmenting contributions towards fortifying food security in African nations. The National Grain Trade Center also signalled an eagerness to fortify ties with Ghana in grain trade, sharing best practices and bolstering the efforts of smallholder farmers to penetrate markets.

    While in Henan, the delegation was introduced to provincial grain storage, trade, processing, and post-harvest services. They also discussed the multifaceted applications of grain reserves, delved into different post-harvest service models, and got acquainted with online grain trading methodologies. Furthering their exploration, they witnessed an exhibition showcasing the evolutionary trajectory of grain storage facilities and gained hands-on insights at the Henan Grain Trade and Logistics Market.

    The delegation touring the COFCO (Zhengzhou) Grain and Oil Industries Co., Ltd

    In the detailed walkthrough of the post-harvest service centre, the delegation witnessed first-hand comprehensive suite of services offered, spanning from cultivation and harvesting to marketing. Additionally, they examined the granary facilities, the smart management systems of provincial grain depots, and gained a deeper understanding of wheat processing tech and production lines. Reflecting on their journey, the delegation highlighted their admiration for China's advanced grain storage infrastructure, its e-trading platform, and the modus operandi of post-harvest service centres. They opined that the insights gleaned would serve as invaluable reference points for Ghana's food-centric policy decision-makers.

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