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    January 16, 2023   WFP China COE
    Overview of the WFP Global SSTC Initiative with MARA of China

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    The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA) of the People's Republic of China and WFP have been partnering since 2019 through a global initiative in SSTC that supports countries with implementing SSTC pilot projects in the areas of value chain development, post-harvest loss (PHL) and disaster risk reduction. 

    Starting with 4 SSTC pilot projects in 2019, the number escalated to 20 in 2021. This positive trend was driven by an increased demand from host governments, continuous financial support from MARA and the technical assistance provided by WFP China Centre of Excellence (CoE).

    ● The SSTC Field Pilots

    Their SSTC Field Pilots are multi-year projects which promote a comprehensive integration of SSTC in the WFP programme of work at the country level. Their focus is on strengthening country capacities, resilience-building and national food systems, in line with the priorities of the host governments, the Government of China, WFP China CoE and WFP’s Country Strategic Plan (CSPs).

    These projects aim to change the lives of vulnerable smallholders and their families in the field through a longer-term approach to country capacity strengthening. 

    The 5 field pilot projects in Ecuador, Kenya, Peru, Republic of Congo and Sri Lanka have reached 9,577 smallholder farmers and school children at the grassroots level in 2021.

    573 officials of 16 national institutions ranging from central to local governments, research institutions and private sector actors, have engaged in the field pilots to date. In 2022, an additional field pilot was kickstarted in Ghana.

    ● Key Achievements of 2021:

    ○ Around 11,000 public servants and vulnerable smallholders in host countries were directly reached by SSTC impact.

    ○ Around 1,000,000 beneficiaries of smallholders at the grassroots level were indirectly reached by SSTC impact.

    ○ 70+ knowledge products were prepared for SSTC, including communication materials.

    ○ 20+ major SSTC activities were implemented at policy, technical and grassroots levels

    ○ 48% SSTC participants, including 31% of public servants and 46% of smallholders, were female


    [1]2021-2022 Overview of WFP’s Initiatives on South-South and Triangular Cooperation.


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